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1-2 km. FM Transmitter |
The above picture is 1-2 kilometer FM Transmitter with an easy schematic diagram.
source is an electret condenser microphone and signal gain can be
adjusted by using the potentiometer P1. You can easily prepare the PCB
by using any PCB editor and apply it to the board by using the ironing
method. The coils and the antenna can be designed as a part of the PCB
made up of the copper area.
R1=220K R2=4.7K R3,R4=10K R5=100ohm | C1,C2=4.7uF Electrolytic C3,C4=1nF C5=2-15pF C6=3.3pF | Q1=BC547C Q2=2N2219A P1=25K MIC=Electret Condenser Type |
The above information is from this link: click here
This must be your area of expertise, schematic looks simple and the devices can be easily found. Nice post!!!